AirPro Diagnostics TechTalk360 Webinar to Shed Light on How NASTF Connects Repairers, OEM Info

The NASTF is a nonprofit that closes gaps in OEM service and tool information for independent auto repairers. 


AirPro Diagnostics is hosting its next TechTalk360 webinar at 11 a.m. PT July 31, “Understanding NASTF & Assisted Immobilizer Reprogramming Service.”

During the live broadcast, Donny Seyfer, executive officer for the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) will discuss what the nonprofit organization does to close gaps in OEM service and tool information for independent auto repairers. In this case, Seyfer will specifically focus on collision repair.

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“Automakers have a lot of information and tools available that many repairers are unaware of,” Seyfer told Autobody News. “We will show where that is.”

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The webinar will address how NASTF can help collision repairers’ businesses; make sense of the “alphabet soup” of relevant acronyms like SDRM, VSP and AIR; and NASTF's Assisted Immobilizer Reprogramming Service.

Seyfer said the NASTF was created in 2000 by a cooperative effort among the automotive service industry, the equipment and tool industry, and automakers to identify and resolve gaps in OEM repair information and availability. Regular membership is free and provides access to benefits like reprogramming information and OEM service links.

In 2007, NASTF added its Vehicle Security Professional credentialing program, a two-year paid subscription that gives approved members access to key codes, immobilizer codes and scan tool validation.

NASTF has a database of more than 400 documented “strange reprogramming events” members can access when they run into one themselves at their own shops. If they can’t find a similar event in the database, they can submit a Service Information Request through NASTF’s website. The feature is available to all membership levels.

Seyfer has more than 40 years of experience in the repair industry as a service repair technician, award-winning restoration and specialty car builder, shop owner and industry trainer in vehicle diagnostics, cyber security and technology-related repair. Seyfer is past chair of the Automotive Service Association and serves on many industry boards and committees.

Abby Andrews

Abby Andrews is the editor and regular columnist of Autobody News.

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