The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) announced the Florida Auto Body Association (FABA) is its newest affiliate association.
Serving the entire state of Florida, FABA’s mission is to advance the automotive repair industry through comprehensive education, innovative training programs and proactive legislative initiatives.
"There was an interest from some shop owners about starting up about a year ago," said Ementi Coary, FABA executive director. "They had approached me, but I was still in the process of getting the Oklahoma Auto Body Association (OKABA) up and running. Once OKABA was doing well enough, it opened the door to start the new venture in Florida."
FABA has three-day "Road Shows" planned March 11-13, June 10-12 and Sept. 16-18, designed to visit three different cities and promote the new association to collision repairers across the state.
"Our primary objectives are to make education and training accessible to the shops in this market," added Coary. "Eventually we can look to bigger initiatives such as legislation that can help our member population."
FABA elected to affiliate with SCRS to partner with the other associations around the country, and to continue to learn from the collaboration with other like-minded organizations.
"I believe the other affiliate associations, and SCRS at the national level, can both bring exceptional value to the shops in Florida," he said. "By working alongside the other states, and with SCRS, it is a natural conduit for our members to stay in touch with what is happening in the industry."
"I think it’s encouraging to see leadership step up within the Florida market to serve collision repairers in the state," said SCRS Chairman Amber Alley. "It’s so valuable when there are active associations that are sharing information and creating opportunities for businesses at a local level, and I’m thrilled that FABA becomes a meaningful addition to the SCRS family of associations that helps to extend the voice, size and scope of the groups we serve. We’re thrilled to welcome them."